Wednesday 29 April 2009

come in a zap! to my brain

Okay, so many things happened since yesterday, it came in zap! and it made me very d-o-w-n. I can count it one, two, three, four, oh my God, i wanna breath easily now! i wanna scream out loud until i don't feel it again. Some people said that's not my fault, but i still feel that i am so too blame. Please dont ask me what's happen to me? oh i (think), i dont need a help, i dont want the others feel this too, just let me.
One of my friend said that it'll be over, and i'll smile again, every people had a problem, not just me. i know that's true, but when it'll be happen? i can't wait too long, please come faster -_______-
There's no passion to do anything, i don't know what i must do, i just lost in my own mind. i am lazy to do anything i really i have no spirit at all.

Thank's God, you give me friends, friends that always listen what i've said, share anything, and friends that can make my heart feel better.
And now, i promise. i promise to God, my self, and friends, that'll be change! i dont know when it come, but i know that, i know that the sun still shinning, it wont stop now, so i'll make it better, i just want to make an "end" of it. and it WILL happen


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